Abu Dhabi University Scholarships in UAE 2024-2025

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Would you like to study on a scholarship in the United Arab Emirates? For international students interested in pursuing a master’s degree or bachelor’s degree at Abu Dhabi University in UAE 2024-2025, there is an excellent opportunity for them to apply for the Abu Dhabi University Scholarships. Students studying in the UAE can study for free thanks to the financial aid provided through the Abu Dhabi University Scholarship Program. In the coming years, Abu Dhabi University (ADU) will offer a number of international scholarships at its campus in the United Arab Emirates to reward and recognize students who have achieved excellence both academically as well as in extracurricular activities. This is a great opportunity for students who are interested in continuing their education in the United Arab Emirates, a destination that is popular among students. Apply For This: ECNU Shanghai Government Scholarship for 2024 | Fully Funded | Study in China

The scholarship program offered by Abu Dhabi University offers equal opportunities to those interested in studying in the UAE. As well as empowers outstanding students. This university is supporting academic development in the region through its scholarship programs in Abu Dhabi. It is therefore important that you read the entire text of this page and apply before the deadline of the ADU Scholarships if you wish to study in Abu Dhabi. It is also important to note that these scholarships in the UAE for master’s and undergraduate programs create a supportive academic environment that enables students to succeed. In addition to full funding scholarships in the UAE, they also offer partial funding scholarships, which include tuition fee waivers of up to 10% to 50%. One of the scholarships available in Abu Dhabi is the H.H.

Shaikh Hamdan Bin Zayed Scholarship, which allows students to study for free in the United Arab Emirates. During the course of the program, all tuition and fees related to application, registration, student services. And health services will be waived in full. Therefore, those students who are interested in taking advantage of the bachelor’s or master’s scholarship opportunities in UAE in 2024-25. Are strongly encouraged to apply for the ADU Scholarships as soon as possible. Students at the university have the opportunity to study in a variety of programs and fields of study. Scholarships are available for up to four years at the university. Also Read: Italy Government Scholarship 2024-2025 | MAECI | Fully Funded

According to the prestigious THE World University Rankings 2023. Abu Dhabi University is a prestigious institution that occupies the top position in the UAE. For the teaching pillar as determined by the centre of academic excellence, Abu Dhabi University. It is also one of the top 3 universities in the United Arab Emirates. The ADU offers a wide range of undergraduate scholarships as well as postgraduate scholarships. As soon as students have been formally accepted into Abu Dhabi University. They are able to apply for scholarships for study there. There is a high level of competition for these merit-based scholarships. There is, therefore, a need for students to maintain a good overall profile in order to be successful. I would like to suggest that if you are interested in studying in UAE. You should definitely consider the Abu Dhabi Scholarships in UAE 2024-25 if you want to study there. Read This: Slovak Government Scholarships 2024-2025 (Fully Funded)

  • Scholarships for Academic Excellence
  • Scholarships for alumni
  • Scholarships for Athletics
  • Scholarships for UAE and GCC students at universities
  • Tuition Waiver for Families
  • Scholarships for Graduate Students on the basis of merit
  • Scholarship awarded by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Zayed
  • Country: UAE
  • Financial coverage: Fully Funded, Partially Funded
  • Deadline: June 28, 2024

There is a great chance that you will be able to secure a scholarship in the UAE if you follow the eligibility criteria for the Scholarships offered by  Abu Dhabi University.

  • It is open to international students from all over the world, as well as to local students here in the United Arab Emirates who wish to apply for the ADU Scholarship.
  • There are scholarships available for undergraduate and postgraduate programs at Abu Dhabi University.
  • The requirement of high school transcripts or a high school diploma is required for all bachelor’s degree programs.       
  • Students who wish to apply for Abu Dhabi University Scholarships must hold a bachelor’s degree in order to be eligible to participate in the program. 
  • In the same way, students who wish to pursue a PhD or Doctoral degree will need to have a master’s degree under their belt.
  • A scholarship application cannot be submitted until a student has been formally admitted to Abu Dhabi University.
  • All applicants for the Abu Dhabi Scholarships must meet the CGPA requirements for both master’s and bachelor’s programs in order to qualify for the scholarship. 
  • In addition, the eligibility criteria for each UAE scholarship differ from one another and can be seen on the official website for the scholarship.
  • For example, Athletic Scholarships for undergraduate programs require a grade point average (CGPA) of 2.75, whereas Merit-Based Graduate Scholarships require a grade point average (CGPA) of 3.5% or higher. Also Apply: Kyoto University ADB Scholarship in Japan 2024-25 (Fully Funded)

There are several benefits to be gained by applying for the ADU Scholarships 2024 in UAE if you satisfy the eligibility criteria above, and you will be able to study in the United Arab Emirates in 2024 if you meet the eligibility criteria. 

  • As part of Abu Dhabi University’s scholarship program, a percentage of students’ tuition fees will be waived, which provides significant financial assistance. 
  • It is important to recognize that some scholarships are fully funded scholarships, which in turn provide students with a 100% tuition fee waiver.
  • It is the mission of ADU to ensure that deserving students have the opportunity to pursue their academic goals and study in the UAE by providing a variety of scholarships.

Academic Scholarships for Undergraduate Programs:

  • Students who continue to attend Abu Dhabi University will be able to waive 20% of their tuition fee.
  • Students must have a minimum CGPA of 3.60 in order to qualify for this program.

Alumni Scholarships for Postgraduate Programs:

  • There is a 20% tuition fee waiver available to applicants or alumni of Abu Dhabi University who wish to pursue graduate studies. 

Athletic Scholarships for Undergraduate Programs:

  • For students who are currently enrolled at Abu Dhabi University and who are actively participating in the Abu Dhabi University sports team.
  • There is a 25% tuition fee waiver available to students. 

University Scholarships for Undergraduate Programs:

  • There is an offer available to candidates from the GCC and UAE who will receive tuition fee waivers ranging from 15% to as high as 50%. 

Family Tuition Waiver for Undergraduate Programs:

  • In the case of individuals within the same family. In this case, family members are considered to be those who share direct relationships with multiple students enrolled simultaneously at ADU, such as siblings, spouses, or parents.
  • The tuition fee waiver can be up to 15, 20 or 25% depending on the program. 

Merit-based Graduate Scholarships:

  • There is a 25% reduction in tuition fees available for undergraduate students who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher. 

H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Zayed Scholarship for Undergraduate Programs:

  • The scholarship is fully funded and includes a complete waiver of tuition fees, as well as applications, registrations, student services, and health care services. 
  • Copy of passport
  • Transcripts and degrees
  • Equivalency letter
  • Passport size photograph
  • English language proficiency (IELTS or TOEFL).
  • Copy of Emirates ID (if applicable)
  • Police clearance certificate 
  • There is no doubt that you are thinking about how to apply for the scholarships at  Abu Dhabi University. Please click on the ‘apply now’ button below if you are interested in applying. 
  • After you have been admitted to ADU and have been assigned a unique identifier for your student account, the scholarship application process will begin.
  • It is possible for the student to use this ID in order to securely access a section of their university account that is dedicated to Scholarships and Financial Aid.
  • If you want to be considered for the ADU Scholarships, you must submit the necessary documents. 
  • Please note that the deadline for applying for the  Abu Dhabi University Scholarships (Summer Semester) is 28 June 2024. 

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